Heart warming reading in the build-up to Christmas. Enjoy!
Johnnie Brooks
· December 21, 2019 at 10:37 am
Well rather feel a star in this issue. Now I like being the centre of attention don’t get me wrong, but today I feel a bit over egged. Excellent job Paul., thank you. Mind you so as not to offend your readers you omitted the name of the illustrious Cookham Jazz Band. Despite being World Famous in South Bucks/ East Berks we were banned from Clivden house because of it. ( despite a previous manager who was a fan and had booked us) However as result – with indignant coverage on Radio 4 and a-plethora of local stations and many mentions in national press publicity made “ The Fabulous Shirtlifters” in demand. We originally thought we would do one gig and fell about laughing in a local pub thinking up names. But we got quite good and it grew,
Paul Levitt · December 4, 2019 at 2:01 pm
Heart warming reading in the build-up to Christmas. Enjoy!
Johnnie Brooks · December 21, 2019 at 10:37 am
Well rather feel a star in this issue. Now I like being the centre of attention don’t get me wrong, but today I feel a bit over egged. Excellent job Paul., thank you. Mind you so as not to offend your readers you omitted the name of the illustrious Cookham Jazz Band. Despite being World Famous in South Bucks/ East Berks we were banned from Clivden house because of it. ( despite a previous manager who was a fan and had booked us) However as result – with indignant coverage on Radio 4 and a-plethora of local stations and many mentions in national press publicity made “ The Fabulous Shirtlifters” in demand. We originally thought we would do one gig and fell about laughing in a local pub thinking up names. But we got quite good and it grew,